america's game by Andrew S Adams3.8 million reasons
to sit on your ass
to end a season-
not enough cash...
i read that the players
are afraid to lose it all
and some stand to lose
more than my lifetime total-
and i can understand
how we praise them so
we're the average fan-
they're the big show
and the leverage that results
has to be what we take
i guess it's okay for them to insult
how much normal people make
"its not my fault"
barry bonds defiantly says
"that most of america
are not baseball players"
so this is america's game
in which we cant say
"just let it be the same"
"for gods sake, just play"
i'm sick of them.
the players can go to hell
it might restore the game
we might again hear "play ball!"
i am sick of the greed
sick of the fuel
that lets this game bleed
this money duel-
i propose
a new idea-
if you dont want to play
for "such a
minimal payday"
then dont-
but let the game play on
without your sickening greed. 08/25/2002 Posted on 08/25/2002 Copyright © 2025 Andrew S Adams