god is gone by Andrew S Adamsschools are wrong
the world has died
because god is gone
because we took that side
we said no more god in schools
no more god in the pledge
because it might offend those "fools"
if we let christians have the edge-
how could we ever do something so evil
society will surely pay
since we are nopt doing gods will
the world is fucked up today.
If you had read this
and sympathise with that verse
please, pick up your christ
and exit this earth
The state of the world
is not because of non-believers
just because we dont buy what we've heard
e are not responsible for all under-achevers...
we take god out of schools
we are politically correct
i normally despise those two words
but in this case, there is a positive effect.
i dont despise god believers
as they despise me
i'm not filled with the hate of others
that they display so proudly
dont ever tell me that god
would ever find a place in our schools
god is gone-
spread the good news. 07/30/2002 Posted on 07/30/2002 Copyright © 2025 Andrew S Adams