Finding the Easy God by Carl WalkerGod cares for you and wants to be real in your life
"How will God be real in my life?", you ask.
"I donno, where do you need for Him to be real?".
Sometimes He wants to be real in our sorrows Sometimes He wants to be real in our joys
I don't think He ever wants to be real in our constructs
one man constructs a cathedral of stone with high, high ceilings great tapestries windows of art and glass holy sculptures of silver and gold holy robes, holy music and he stands in the center of what man has made and his heart says, "this, this is where God is!"
and he feels peace
but what happens to peace when the cathedrals fall
one woman constructs a cathedral of rules with high, high motives great moral reasonings seeing herself as "good" because she keeps her rules gnats of rules swirl around her life touching the way she dresses touching the way she eats touching the way she makes love to her husband
surrounded by rules and those who keep them and her heart says, "this, this is where God is!" and she feels peace
but rooted in pride over her choice of rules she cannot love those who don't love her rules
another man seeks peace in money
or maybe not money maybe status and power in these things he seeks peace
ahh -- my status, my power I have security I have serenity
and his heart says, "This, this is where peace is!" and he believes himself to be God needing nothing
yet the serenity of the strength of power is a brief illusion and the fear comes at night there is never enough to give real peace
there is peace in God, but how to find it how to find it if peace is not in our constructs
-- this is difficult and this is easy
it is difficult because it calls us to do what we cannot do it is easy because God does what we cannot do
for the cathedral man to love the one who disdains cathedrals for the rule lady to have compassion and mercy for those who cannot keep the rules for Mr. Status to give status to the broken one who has no power
it is a matter of the heart we cannot will ourselves to have mercy, where we have no mercy for ourselves we cannot make ourselves care for the unlovely when we only care for things
the bible sez, "where your treasure is there will your heart be also".
if our cathedral is one of stone so is our heart
the difficult part is to have a changed heart and we cannot
only with God is it possible to have a changed heart
When you die to your cathedral because God makes room in your heart to love those who don't love your cathedral God becomes real and when your cathedral falls you know His peace because you KNOW him
Beloved friend,
isn't the way to know God to have him construct his dwelling in your heart with high, high ceilings
07/17/2002 Author's Note: I am finding the easy God
Posted on 07/17/2002 Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Adrian Calhoun on 11/06/02 at 06:31 AM Bravo, and amen! You have said it perfectly. It is a rather easy task when you think about it, but so many people complicate it with their rules, and rituals. I applaud you on a fine piece of writing, writing of hope, peace, and above all else love. |
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 11/06/02 at 01:06 PM Amen and amen! And the Bible also says we see God in the face of Jesus! Wonderful message, wonderfully expressed! Congratulations on POTD. |
Posted by Cathlyn Cartier on 11/06/02 at 02:10 PM Wonderful poem. Very thought provoking, and test of where our faith really lies. Is it in the things of this world, and the things that we do, or in the things that only God can do? Wonderful POTD to start my day. |
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 11/06/02 at 02:10 PM Thought provoking....much truth and wisdom here. Glad I got to read this reassuring sermon. Congrats also Carl on having POTD. |
Posted by JD Clay on 11/06/02 at 02:19 PM Your beautifully scripted words deliver a clear message and serve as a reminder to all, Carl. It is through surrender that this Poem Of The Day shall rise. Peace... |
Posted by Jean Mollett on 09/20/03 at 04:46 AM Hi Carl,
Finding The Easy God, it's lovely.
Ya don't need a fancy church to go to to find God or his son, Jesus. You can reach out to the Lord at home too, or anywhere. Just have to be willing to do it. Then go to church to. Some won't go because they are sinners, that's where it all begins. It's for eveyone. |
Posted by Delilah Coyne on 03/18/06 at 03:22 AM To put these thoughts, ideas, and feelings into words is a true masterpiece. So beautifully done and a convicting read. *applause* |
Posted by Joan Serratelli on 03/28/09 at 01:55 PM VERY powerful piece. I think G-d is ineverything and is everywhere- no matterwhat your belief system is. wonderful write |