A mute witness is as a laughing God by Lacy D PhillipsHow long have you been searching for
some unexpected metaphor,
as when two things collide in the mind?
(jell-o off plastic molding
'cause you didn't like
the way the color made you feel)
Perpetually seeking stasis,
an equilibrium of contradiction.
(a diamond crucifix swings plaintively
in the cleavage of that low-cut dress)
I need to feel my own power
before I can submit fully
the sum total of my being.
('I never gave up,' you would sing,
'I gave all' to the rhythm of a sharp knife)
And irony is only that which is given and beheld.
(none saw, so none can appreciate,
or give witness,
none saw and so none can care,
none know because no one was allowed in,
none saw for none were there)
And faith is only that which is recieved and accepted. 06/24/2002 Posted on 06/24/2002 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips