
Inspiration Point

by Anne Engelen

Letchworth Park, on a perfect day
A great view, by nature surrounded

The sun on my skin, wind in my hair
Roger and I, a beautiful pair.

We walked out to "Inspiration Point"
Had dinner at the Glenn Iris Inn
As kindred souls feelings sank in

I remembered the day we met
I was impressed

Since that day, he's been a friend
and I know, he'll be just that 'till the end

I believe certain things in life are meant to be
Just like this friendship is God's gift for Roger and me.


Author's Note: for Roger KornBau (American artist - Wayland,NY), a dear and wonderful friend!

Posted on 03/14/2002
Copyright © 2024 Anne Engelen

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 10/22/14 at 01:26 PM

as warm and wonderful an ode as one can imagine issuing from your pen, Anne. congratulations on POTD.

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