Groundbreaking by Glenn CurrierDear Bob-- he stood, his head and face a crimson red - without a warning word ahead: "To gathered crowd a speech and wisdom shed." The TV spot would quickly spread. His mouth agog he fled with speech unsaid Bob's dead.
Learning a new poetry form: I learned this form of poem from Sallie M. Young, she says the following after her poem, "Windowpane:" "This form is called "rubliw," a monorhyme form of an epistle that begins with a salutation in iambic monometer, followed by lines that are iambic dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter, pentameter, and descending in that reverse order. Thanks to David Spellman for introducing me to the form with his poem, Stephen, and A.J. Remington for further inspiration with his poem, To Fitzgerald."
01/29/2002 Posted on 01/29/2002 Copyright © 2024 Glenn Currier