
An Older Fellow

by Ronald A Pavellas

There is this reminder by others
(Insistently played like Middle C
In Chopin’s Raindrop Prelude),
In their referring to someone as
“An older fellow ...”

The utterer is usually middle-aged
(Whatever this may really be)
And seems to refer to someone
Aged sixty or more.

I am that Fellow.

But I do not refer to myself
As An Older Fellow.

I sometimes feel as an impersonator –
When I tell my age, people are surprised.
I do not look or act as An Older Fellow.

Am I failing to conform
To an important social norm?

Or am I setting a trend?

I prefer to imagine the latter.


Posted on 01/03/2002
Copyright © 2024 Ronald A Pavellas

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Chris Sorrenti on 12/14/02 at 04:04 AM

Excellent update of that old addage, "you're on;y as old as you feel." Rock on Ron!

Posted by Charles E Minshall on 01/01/03 at 07:45 AM

They say "you are only as old as you feel" I am one hundred and fifty by that standard...Charlie (good poem Ron)

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