I Should Have Been a Mermaid by Lacy D Phillips
Because 6 miles out I didn't expect to see another soul,
I abandoned my usual form
and opted for an inconstant pace
giving myself time and nudity and fantasy and grace
so as to forget to think and leave my face
behind me in my wake.
After so long, the burning fades
and every breath comes
without the weight of those that preceed it.
With more distance, remembrance comes slow like rescue
and limits are reduced to nothing more
than my affections for you.
No more embracing as the ocean.
Not more abrassive as the wind.
No more eminent than the setting sun,
or more accomodating than this swollen skin...
No more...
no more...
No more madness of this lustfull earth
yawning to reclaim a body
it has no more use for than I have love.
Here as the darkness calls me child,
I can nearly feel the moon
tugging me up with the tides.
I know she only wants her oceans back
from the greedy earth,
but it still feels nice to feel wanted. 10/27/2001 Posted on 10/27/2001 Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips