
Hello. Can I hear me?

by Lacy D Phillips

September 12, 2001

1 am:

I didn't cry, or light candles, pray
or hang flags on overpasses and salute passing cars...
not today, for I have given more.
Yes, I have loved this place.
And that is everything.

2:14 am:

This may come as a surprise
to this copy and paste world,
but Ctr+Z doesn't work in life.
I've tried.
And any effort made by these hands,
though they hide,
must be distinctive.

2:57 am:

I dream of life with no seasons,
but winters weren't made for falling in love,
so next year maybe, next summer...
my heart may thaw...

3:21 am:

taking a loose drag off my cigarette,
that un-familiar rush
close enough to excitement
I don't question the means anymore

4:11 am:

But I don't have favorites.
And I don't know why I buy white ones anyways,
they all just get ruined.
Surely black would be more practical
(perhaps bear more meaning)
no one sees
but me
and I have not the will to be appreciative.
They are much smaller in life anyways.

4:32 am:

What will my kisses taste like?
and will you always sound so distant?
"Sometimes a warm body just isn't enough,"
you tell me.
Sometimes I think you're right,
but keep you close despite it.

4:55 am:

A semblance of normalcy is all I've ever managed anyways...

5:01 am:

We don't ask each other to recite,
or rhyme when we speak.
so why then do these words mean more
than their meaning between us?


Posted on 10/27/2001
Copyright © 2025 Lacy D Phillips

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