Occupation: Dirty stepford hippy
City: Los Angeles
State: California
Country: United States of America
Member Since: March 2003
Last Login: 04/05/2011
Homepage: http://www.livejournal.com/users/rhubarbbuddha
I don't post enough. When I first joined, I was going for the "one poem per day" ideal and, obviously, that hasn't quite worked out. I'm better with my ink and scraps of whatever I can write on; I'm better with smudged lines of cursive; I'm better at just writing it the second I feel it and then forgetting it in the back of a novel.
I'm trying though. Expect more soon.
"I've always wondered what it's like to be frozen inside. Stoic. A cigar-store Indian. I've always wondered what it's like to be you . . ."
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