The Journal of Kristina Woodhill

Wind revisited
12/05/2011 04:10 a.m.
Ha! I knew I shouldn't step into this arena! (gas, indeed!)

Southeast wind has been steady and in-your-face the last few days. At least the Rottweiler couldn't smell us until we were past its house on our walk this afternoon. (hmmm, I probably shouldn't have said that either)

Last week, parts of Utah were devastated by 102 mph winds - other states got hit hard.

Our back pasture is populated by small windmills my husband makes.

I have a dream of a 30 foot tall wind turbine out back - one of the requirements for such a beast is that it has to have 30 foot clearance on all sides if it topples, which is pretty funny since a lot of people have poplars planted close to their houses all over this area - weak wooded trees that regularly faint over dead if looked at cross-eyed by any respectable breeze. I mean, really......

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by Alison McKenzie on 12/05/11 at 04:32 AM

Wow, now that IS some wind!!!

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