
The Journal of Glenn Currier

Dealing with criticism
02/03/2010 05:22 p.m.
I recently had a criticism of my teaching (still teaching part time even though I am officially retired. It threw me for a loop. I felt really inadequate and discouraged. I can't believe how difficult it was for me to deal with it. This morning I journaled and realized how much my ego was involved and concluded that I need to rely more on God and his "opinion", that is, on his unconditional love. Then I can accept my limitations and the fact that I am human (i.e. limited) and then I might be able to laugh at myself a bit more. So, my poem, "Oh Happy Fault" is a result of these reflections. No doubt... I am still on the workbench - even at my age - maybe ESPECIALLY at my age. :-)

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by A. Paige White on 02/03/10 at 06:33 PM

And you are just fine, just like God made you. Some of us around here think you're wonderful, in fact. I know you have been a constant encouragement to me. I'm GLAD God made you like you are. We're all still on the workbench and laughter is the best medicine to heal you from a critical spirit. May He bless your day with His best private jokes, just between you and Him...

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Posted by Clara Mae Gregory on 02/03/10 at 06:58 PM

I hope you can feel this HUG!I know how that can be...the ratings thingy....do not let it discourage you!...what is that ole saying, take it with a grain of salt? Dear friend, I understand totally..do not let it shake belief in yourself...and if there is any honest justification behind the criticisms, be open minded enough to see, and if they are wrong, truly, take a STAND. (I have done so on behalf of my students and I did not lose my job, because TRUTH prevailed.) They now take my discipline that I teach serious enough to include me in the latest teaching advances using technology with practical application in American public education(ie,the promethean boards).

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Posted by Sarah Wolf on 02/04/10 at 02:49 AM

Criticism is an opportunity to fine tune ourselves... and discover our own personal values... "What matters most". Self reflection is the most brutal criticism of all. Be kind to yourself...

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