
The Journal of Glenn Currier

Follow up to: "Love is multigenerational"
07/26/2009 07:17 p.m.
My poem: “Love is multigenerational” seems to have struck a chord with some. So I am moved to do a bit of a follow up. It seems a good part of my later adult life, trying to figure out why I am so screwed up, I have concentrated on understanding the dysfunction in my family of origin. There was plenty there. I don’t know if it is any more or any less than other families. So this morning I was thinking about how my little love decisions with my wife – that don’t necessarily come naturally to me - propagate love if only a tiny bit. While, on the other hand, my moments of harshness or insensitivity propagate shame or sadness or other kinds of pain. So maybe this poem is a tip of the hat to love for a change. I must have gotten a bunch of it from my mom and dad – along with the bad stuff – or I wouldn’t be able to love. I certainly have gotten loads of it from my wife and friends… all of which soften me and make me a better lover.

Finally, the word, “gene” at the end of the poem is metaphorical (I guess that would be the right word) and not scientific.
I am currently Bemused
I am listening to The ceiling fan

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by A. Paige White on 07/26/09 at 07:54 PM

It definitely struck a chord with me. It was the breath in the giggle standing before the oven taking out a pan of corn bread and viewing the corn rows that fed the several generations of southeners, not yet budding the corn ears, in the genes that compose my body and handed to me personally by a Jewish carpenter. Loving your poetry, man. Loving it.

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Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 07/26/09 at 08:09 PM

Would seem so often, To err is dysfunctional, to forgive co-dependent. I say that tongue in cheek, but we are all full of desires, we tend to love only those who can satisfy them all. This is limiting, an unnesessary dysfunction; it is good to love the unknown, too...

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Posted by Alison McKenzie on 07/26/09 at 08:22 PM

Yes, struck a chord with me, too, and all the work I'm still doing, trying to get into the limbic brain to deal with those trenches, those hard-wired areas that still resonate in my choices and behavior. It's working, but at 46, it feels like it's been a long time coming. Major kudos to you, my friend, for sticking with the work and the concepts, and loving even when the genes lead us astray. *hugs*

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