
The Journal of Rhyana Fisher

05/17/2014 04:11 a.m.
so the path book was published. while i am quietly amused that it did go through despite the naysayers, i am quite horribly ambivalent about my work being scribed in stone, so to speak, and rather scared of actually looking at the end product. the only thing that remains the same consistently is being able to feel the rough areas that need more work every time i re-read my own stuff.

Member Comments on this Entry
Posted by Philip F De Pinto on 05/22/14 at 03:49 PM

I understand about the thing that remains the same consistently, but I've read your work, in that now infamous Pathetic Book and it is quite lovely and If there is a flaw or further honing to be done in any of the triad, I don't see it at all, but they are all quite delicately and perfectly put in place like gems in their settings.

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