The Journal of Kristina Woodhill Solitude and Leadership
02/21/2012 05:17 p.m.
I am probably late to the party on reading this, but the author of it was being interviewed yesterday, so I found the text of his speech this morning.
I'm not sure how people in the big cities find solitude to think quietly. We went skiing on BLM land here in Idaho this weekend - ungroomed but used trails, where few people bother to go - an occasional snow machine roars through, but didn't while we were up there. It's not a big snow year, so we were thankful to have a couple of fresh inches and it wasn't too sticky for some nice gliding. We saw where a coyote had wandered through that morning and a flock of robins were chirping in the high Doug firs, never having left for the mild winter. The magic of the snow is that it leaves tracks, sparking imagination with every slide of the ski.
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