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The Journal of Amy Wustrin

06/30/2005 08:19 p.m.
If you are in the Rockland County NY, or Northern NJ areas, PLEASE HELP ME!!!

I need a job.
Full time.
Monday thru Friday.

I'm only picky about the days because I'm commited to work the Rennaisance Faire this season Saturdays and Sundays in August and September, I can't back out of it, and honestly, I dont want to. I like that job.

But I need another one in the meantime. Preferably something in an office that pays $10/hr at least with 40 hrs a week. I can Do Excel and word, and I can learn ANYTHING else.

So if anybody out there cares whether my new car gets repossessed or my Insurance company drops me, PLEASE PASS ON ANY LEADS YOU MAY HAVE.

It's and emergency, I'm dying over here.
I am currently Restless
I am listening to The Indigo Girls

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