The Journal of Lacy D Phillips God Bless the Armed Forces!
04/05/2005 12:38 a.m.
Okay, so no snorkeling with the Navy Seals on account of the frigging monsoon! It was like some National Lampoon joke where as soon as we crossed the border into Sunny Florida the heavens opened up and 13 inches of rain fell in the first 24-hour period of our 48-hour stay in the Destin area. But the good news is that the Navy EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) guys were holding a carwash to raise money to get the names of the EOD members they lost this year inscribed on the EOD Memorial. And afterwards there was a Speedo Party on the beach involving some nudity and much intoxication.
The guy in the bottom picture is saying to Kaycee "Look! I can change the spelling of Hooters by squeezing my butt cheeks. Look, Kaycee, it says Hoters. Look!"
Oh yeah, and my friend Kaycee graduated as the most highly-decorated member of her class and she's only the 20th female EOD in the school's 50 year history. So we're really proud of her.
God bless the Navy! Mmm-mmm-mm.
 I am currently Stimulated
I am listening to Jason Mraz bootlegs
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