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The Journal of Amy Wustrin

The wisdom of Denis Leary
03/02/2005 10:30 p.m.
When i was younger, well before i ever could have ever dont such a thing deliberately, i had my father wrapped around my little finger. Of course, all my fingers were little. But he was wrapped around the littlest one. And he used to read to me. And he wasnt allowed to stop until i said so. If i wanted to hear "Fox In Sox" 6 times in a row... I heard 'Fox In Socks" 6 times in a row. If I wanted to hear "Never Tease A Weasel" followed by the one about the firehouse that kept a cat instead of a dog, followed by the runaway higway story, followed by cloudy with a chance of meatballs, followed by him singing "Golden Slumbers" (which i thought was a T.P. Waldron Original until i heard it on the radio one day... you can imagine how devestated i was)... I got just that.

Now i'm 21. 21 year old girls can still conceivably have their daddies wrapped around their somewhat larger, but still little fingers. But i think 21 is too old for crap like that. I think the previous 21 years of faithful service deserves a permanent break from that bullshit. I'm an adult now. (A debateable statement, but bear with me.) And i'd like to be seen as one. Being an adult means facing my monumental screw-ups, in the arenas of school and my personal finances, without making excuses. Being an adult is going to mean not starting to cry when he mistakes the *reasons* for said screw-ups *as* excuses. (this is going to be the tough one. this is where i always lose my credibility everytime.)

Denis Leary wasnt kidding.
"Life's Gonna Suck When You Grow Up"
I am currently Alienated
I am listening to tv

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