
The Journal of Lacy D Phillips

It's all who you know...
12/27/2003 10:26 a.m.

So a friend of mine from Spyder's Empire of Poetry has a webzine called WORDsDance in which she published "Nothing Epic in the Epicenter" and "Will You Read Me for My Beauty?"  Just out of the blue, she e-mailed and asked if she could use those two pieces in her Winter '03 Issue.  Another friend of mine runs a 'zine in London called The Wolf, and I've been invited to submit some of the 2003 works.  And, of course, I would never had been a part of PHHIWWM at all if it weren't for Lorri Scott drafting me into the line-up.  And hey, the venerable David Salvo (of Bean Street's Thursday Night Reading Series fame) is starting a publishing company.  Can you believe it?  I luck into the best friendships.  Without ever having to actively seek a forum, I have quite a few publishing credits to my name now.  And if you can't see the hand of God in that, then you're a faithless heathen.

I am currently Blessed
I am listening to Popsicle Toes-Diana Krall

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