
The Journal of Megan Harvey

03/13/2003 03:55 a.m.
This marks this third online journal I happen to have floating about. Though this one does not have the same affect as my LiveJournal, as only close friends post on that, and it does not have the anonymity of my account at free open diary because people actually know who I am on this. This begins yet another means for me to feel bad when ignoring obligations. "Really, now journal. You're different from all the rest. I'll write in you daily. I'll write interesting, heart-warming, witty entries that will amuse the masses. You will be my link to my emotions, cold woman that I am, and for that I will love you and fill you with prose." I wish I could promise this, but I would be lying. You're going to be like all the rest; you'll be adored and admired for a few days . . . you'll get used . . . you'll be neglected . . . you'll be left wet and sticky like all the others. Welcome.
I am currently Feisty
I am listening to Rolling Stones - "Sympathy for the Devil"

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