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chasity, rapists, and dentata oh my!
12/04/2007 10:28 p.m.
Have you ever really thought about the adjective "ravishing"? It's supposed to be this great complement...a synonym of beauty. However, consider its' root word: ravish. Ravish(v): to take a woman by force against her wil; rape. so if you dissect it, the sentence: "you look ravishing!" becomes, "you look so hot/beautiful taht i could take you away and rape you violently." and we wonder why America is so fascinated with violence and perverse things? Let us look no further than our official language...
...which brings me to what i did this morning between class. I looked up the registered sex-offenders in my area. (i want to know where the perverts in my area are located) Lucky for me, none live just too close to me for comfort. However, several live within 5 minutes from my house. (unsettling) One of them was my age, he committed sexual battery. The next closest lives nearby my ex-boyfriend's parents' house. he was convicted of rape and carnal knowledge of a girl under 14. The third: statutory rape. Perhaps, i should purchase a chastity belt. Which brings me to what i did yesterday, i looked up torture devices from the spanish inquisition. It's hideous what ppl did to each other in the middle ages. We think Abu Grabe was bad. Honey, you ain't seen nothing yet. They featured the chasity belt on this site, and although it didn't harm the wearer, it surely would have sunk its teeth into the flesh of the man who lusts after the one who is chaste. Quite literally. Tiny razor-like teeth surround the hole around the vagina on the frontal pudenda (chastity belt w/ protection just around the vagina) The full pudenda being the model that protects both front and rear openings. OUCH. ::shutter::
This made me automatically think of the upcoming horror-flick, Teeth. Teeth is hte charming with a suspicion that something is wrong in the vajayjay area and discovers that she has vaginal dentata. Basically, she has teeth down there. Brings a new meaning to the song, "maneater". Doesn't it?
I am currently Crafty
I am listening to Requiem for a deam soundtrack

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Late night vigil to insomnia
12/03/2007 06:55 a.m.
It's 12:47 am. I should be copying World Civ notes, but i am online instead. (tragic truth.) I have bible study tomorrow night which means that i will not have time to rewrite me english essays...so i need to do those tomorrow afternoon or late night. crap. However, I definately need to check my college email inbox since i work there, and might have email from my boss.
I am currently Creative
I am listening to CSS- Music is my hot hot sex

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