I am currently Brooding
I am listening to Manic Drive... walls coming DOWN
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here a knit there a knit 03/12/2010 05:43 p.m.
I am currently Boisterous
I am listening to manic drive
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Funky like Collard Greens 03/06/2010 09:49 p.m.
It's the name of one of my favor-ite radio shows...
It really is.
USM's Saturday music has been just awesome too.
...two little orphans from their playlist for today...
Tyler Ramsey - Please stop time
and that India/Indigo? Girl song...
I've got to search youtube to see if I can find it
and I've got to MUST shoot them an email letting them
know how much I enjoy their weekend shows.
I am. I am a confessing child of the sixties. Born in 64 and came of age in the bell bottom, long haireds, (girls AND boys) hip hugger garb... I am a child of the sixties and this music was our atmosphere. Takes me places just as much now as then. I am currently Reflective
I am listening to America - Horse with no name...
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Nights in White Satin 02/28/2010 01:04 a.m.
For my baby girl...
Megan Linnet Moore
Honeymooning in the Smokies with their
heart shaped jacuzzi
Thank you Yeshua, making them one
and blessing their joining with deep joy
and true romantic love...
Dedicated to that poet
that makes me blush
and look over my shoulder to see
so seen
his heart's slayer
You know how to grow some giggles in Mississippi...
I am currently Boisterous
I am listening to Tusk - Fleetwood Mac
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Who Dat Snowman 02/13/2010 02:15 a.m.
Hell Froze over
Widda Who Dat Snowman waving Touch Down!
I am currently Cool
I am listening to See the song beow
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St. Valentine, we thank you 02/13/2010 01:12 a.m.
I just can't imagine.
Getting the snow off my car this morning was a ten minute
awestruck experience. Snow. Enough snow that I literally can't
see my car.
What a postcard for Valentine's.
Every Valentine's should be blitzed with a flurry of blizzard.
We had a taste of blizzard.
What a blast.
Jesus blessed a snowman for our front door...
and the snowball fight was on.
It was no contest, the losers relished being vanquished.
My Adonai
You bathe my world in bright
How do we not fall speechless at your coming?
Your love settled as the snowfall
delicate, blanketing our world
in wonder
Lover of my soul
I never knew such a Valentine's
right on time
Global warming has been particularly harsh to some this year.
I can't imagine the temperatures or better yet
the lack of temperatures and the days/weeks/
Nana might've found a Christmas KadyBug snapshot she had lost...
I am currently Amazed
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GEAUX SAINTS GEAUX!!! 02/07/2010 04:12 p.m.
A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord—and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist.—Isaiah 11:1-5
Mine Mine Mine
Fully dressed in all the protection of mercy
truth and grace I saw him don the sash.
To Him alone I bring my woes
My tears His rivers of mercy and grace
I am seated by grace
in heavenly places
After all, the Saints are going to the Superbowl!
Miracles do still happen.
Some said it would never be...
but what if they WIN??????
What THEN?
I am currently Awestruck
I am listening to WHAT IF THEY WIN?!?