The Journal of A. Paige White

Facebook makes me cry
01/04/2011 10:12 p.m.
This is just unreal. If there is a just God in heaven, who really does love us all and deplores our mistreatment of each other, how can He not discipline us? I am ashamed anew for my prayerlessness.
Facebook makes me cry. PhotobucketHappy Birthday, buddy. Your mama sure is missing you. ...miss baking that earthquake cake you always want, myself. I am thrilled Sasha is going to be a wonderful wife. you are blessed...

To you, total storm; you will be still. As you direct me, lover of my soul,
so will I speak.


Fascinating website....
I am currently Blue
I am listening to Echoes of my prayers breaking the sound barrier

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Joke of the day from Mamaw to Nanny
12/08/2010 11:59 p.m.
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My life has taken some interesting turns... :->
Turns out, I'm working with the lady that lives in the house :->
that's lit up in the background of my journal's background picture... :->
I can hardly wait to see how our backgrounds will correspond in His service :->
We are drawn together, it seems, by our common interest in functioning in His body :-> where we fit... :->

I could hardly quit laughing... :->

And this just in, in an exclusive interview :->
with President O'LoLo by Mamaw :->
President O'LoLo regrets to inform Nanny... :->
that, no, he bears no resemblance :->
to the President :->


On to the beautifully serious side...
My Daughter (to be) and very soon

I am currently Silly
I am listening to railroad talk

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Punkin Roll Recipe, Thanksgiving without one, well....
11/24/2010 03:35 p.m.

Is this for real? The man is upset about it, for sure.

ROFLOL... Don't worry 'bout us, Pastor.
We got some guns.

Thanks for all the laughs David. You're my FAVORITE son-in-law.

My thanksgiving theme song this year... ;-}

And this book... captivates my attention.

It would be one less (extremely important!) reason on my list of things to remember to actually give thanks for. They ARE a pain in the butt, no argument, but
mmmm mmmm........
I don't like pumpkin pie or any other punkin anythings but a genuine hillbilly punkin roll.... Well....

325 degrees
1 cup punkin
1 tsp vanilla - 1 tsp cinnamon
3 eggs - 1/4 c. plain flour
1 c. sugar - 1 tsp soda
1 c. xx sugar - 1 tsp vanilla
3oz. cream cheese - softened
1/c c. chopped nuts - (opt.)
Beat well with mixer
mix all ingredients
bake @ 325 degrees (15 minutes electric oven, 20 for gas)
Turn onto towel sprinkled with xx sugar, sprinkle cake with xx sugar, roll in towel. cool 1 hr
unroll gently
spread with filling
roll cake again, wrap in plastic wrap
chill (at least 2 hours before slicing)
On my Christmas wish list, Buttermilk Pie is a definite gotta have next.....
I remember anxiously waiting the results constantly under mama's feet when I was a child...

I can always tell when my mother is baking again

The fire alarm goes off.

Fire. Fire.

Over the river and through the wood
To Grandmother's house we go.
The horse knows the way
To carry the sleigh
Through white and drifted snow.

Over the river and through the wood
Oh, how the wind does blow!
It stings the toes
And bites the nose,
As over the ground we go.

Over the river and through the wood
To have a first-rate play.
Hear the bells ring,
Hurrah forThanksgiving Day!

Over the river and through the wood,
Trot fast, my dapple gray!
Spring over the ground
Like a hunting hound,
For this is Thanksgiving Day.

Over the river and through the wood,
And straight through the barnyard gate.
We seem to go
Extremely slow~
It is so hard to wait!

Over the river and through the wood~
Now Grandmother's treats extol!
Hurrah for fun!
Is the filling done?
Hurrah for the Pumpkin Roll!

My version, lol...

And it's my favorite number 8's birthday!
One of the chief of my reasons to be thankful.
Jesus, I just want to thank you for my Logan.
The blessing he is, can't be expounded on enough...

I am currently Thoughtfull
I am listening to Unkle Kracker - Smile!

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A wave for my buddy, JC...
11/12/2010 05:44 p.m.

Up Stares

I am currently Cheerful

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Moving day
11/06/2010 01:37 p.m.

Shall be away from internet (& TV! Hallelujah!) for a few days. TaTa... for now.
I am currently Boisterous
I am listening to Blessed, blessed quiet!

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November 2
11/02/2010 10:33 a.m.

I am currently Awestruck
I am listening to The Doors

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8 is my favorite number
10/23/2010 03:26 p.m.


8 is my favorite number

Logan 10-23-10
Chief Logan Park
I am currently Lovesick

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The troll not looking for the toll... today
10/23/2010 02:15 a.m.

Some people will throw him apples or carrots to move off the bridge.
He knows how to train the traffic pretty well. I'll have to video him
when he's guarding his bridge.

Jarrod and Sasha's "pet" sheeeeesh...
hamster on steroids?
I am currently Blessed
I am listening to silly, silly silly conversations

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Guardian at the Falls
10/03/2010 04:32 a.m.







I am currently Bemused

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Strange signs...
09/24/2010 06:37 a.m.

I am currently Odd
I am listening to Landslide

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