The Journal of Philip F De Pinto In A Missing Mood
02/24/2018 12:41 p.m.
It's 7:14 Am. on an overcast Saturday in Manhattan. I'm In in my girlfriend's apartment on the West Side ( who is making us some delicious breakfast as I type this ) and I'm in a missing some essential people in my cyberspace life, people who are food for the brain and soul and everything else of which a human being is composed. I am talking about some essential human beings, the poets on this site who in recent years have made themselves, scarce, for whatever reason, poets who make my spirit dance. Very fine poets indeed. I love you all and you matter to me like the air that I breathe. That is all for now. Hope you are all faring well. God Bless you all. Need I mention I miss your powerful works? Philip.
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I Walked Into Her Studio
11/04/2014 01:51 p.m.
I walked into her studio
looked at all she
had displayed on the walls
and remarked that she did some marvelous work
She turned away from her palette
and remarked - are you always so easily impressed?
I said no - but why toil so hard at being moved?
Why make a difficult birth out of something that
requires no labor whatsoever to express - the truth!
Would you have me detain what I am genuinely gestating inside
and say that your work was only fair when it is extraordinary?
She turned away from my remarks
dipped her sable into the linseed
picked up a hint of blue
and resumed her marvelous work
I am currently Helpful
I am listening to others listening
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I Drove The Small Herd Of Our Camaraderie
10/27/2014 08:02 p.m.
Meaning to travel equidistant from our blight
I given license drove the small herd of our camaraderie ( Joe's and mine )
Up to Yasgur's farm to graze upon posterity
In the wake of our missing the initial roundup
Forty odd and hefty years post the act
The fact of our being persona non gratified
From its collective - that killer kilowatt day
Would illumine a good portion of the dusk festering upon a generation
And where are the instruments to steadying a path taken on a rudderless appearance?
Our neo Virgilian guide to our Valhalla vanquished to insignificance
To render us linearly sublime and above the fray in light of a quickening dusk
I must admit our memory did not serve us quite correctly
As to its exact longitude latitude attitude
And were not so fortunate to be guided by a star
But some modernist and less sexy version A flat as pancake GPS whose vocal apparatus was intermittently female
And so arrived postfacto upon the scene What is to correct our inaliable course and to loosen discourse
But to stumble upon some dislocated bar in the far horizon
And imbibe and imbibe and from time to time raise flasks to all which eludes us now to think
To reminisce to reconstitution
I am currently Bemused
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The Orphan
10/21/2014 01:52 p.m.
For Phil so loved your World
That he gave his only begotten heart
Trusting that you would raise it as your own
In the orphanage of your breast
And give it wider birth than he ever could in his own
And if perchance you would accommodate Phil
And permit him visitation rights on weekends
That he might venture to lean his head on the orphanage
To hear how the little rascal's doing
Phil would much appreciate it
And thank you kindly
In the interim he walks around without a beat
I am currently Affectionate
Comments (7)
I cannot tell you
10/16/2014 01:24 p.m.
I cannot tell you how grateful I am for this site.
It has afforded me countless writing opportunities, I would not otherwise
Have had, to express what is in one's soul to express.
Where else does one get such an opportunity? I cannot think of any.
Perhaps heaven? And yet, this site is heaven to me.
I am fortunate to have been a member since 2001.
I cannot tell you how overwhelmed I felt when I received my first comment.
I was moved to sobbing. I am no less overwhelmed today,
And never far from bawling out my heart.
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today I begin a great adventure
10/15/2014 01:32 p.m.
today I begin a great adventure
as I shall be reading every poet on this site
and leaving a comment. naturally, I shall begin at the beginning
starting with Mary Albein who does incredible work. I shall be reading
one poet a day and given there are nearly one thousand poets on this site
the venture will take several years. but at the end, I will feel a sense not only
of accomplishment but community.
I am currently Blessed
Comments (3)
I find the further I trek
04/30/2014 05:28 p.m.
I find
the further I trek
down this lonesome line
that everything which appeared blurry in the distance
for its taking on a crisper image is rendered noxious and trivial
and I can't sing or dance or mope or hope or write about anything
which hasn't thrown me for a loss
or stomped on my heart and soul
at least twice
I am currently Somber
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yeah U!
12/29/2013 10:30 p.m.
less hu
yeah U
In th
e mirror!
for sooth
U spea
k the trut
I am hapless
owing to U
I am currently Helpless
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