
The Journal of Roger J Kenyon

Acting Phony
12/04/2003 04:53 a.m.
I really don't like Christmas much or New Year's
What Christmas has become."A major marketing opportunity"
peoplefor retailers.Give me a break? I also get to spend time with those and they with me, I would rather teell to get lost and don't be bothering me. Grrrr.
New Years to me is just another evening with a lot more noise and hype. I'll be joyous when I feel joyous not when some emcee and/or television personality teels me to be so. Humbug!. I tell you Humbug!
I am currently Pissed Off
I am listening to Silence in C Major by me.

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04/21/2003 06:14 p.m.

My oldest kid sister died last week and I'm having a rough day. She lived a long way away from here. I am unable to go out.. I feel better kniowing I was out last summer to see her. She wa s ix years younger than I am.

I am currently Blue
I am listening to The wind.

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03/20/2003 03:54 a.m.

I lost my late wife almost six years ago and I miss her terribly. I should move from my home to aid in the closure process. There are memories of her everywhere. I turn on a country station and I think of her. I really do have to move on.
I am currently Bummed
I am listening to jazz..Paul Desmond

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01/21/2003 11:06 p.m.

I am enjoying the second week of a great cold snap her. There is ice forming in Lake Huron and we are getting badly neded snow. We have suffered four of five years of drought in this agricultural area. I believe winter to be a fine season and can't imagine living in some hot humid place year around.
I am currently Bad
I am listening to News

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12/01/2002 07:41 p.m.
There was a snow storm last night. It was cold(great) and windy (very fine indeed). This snow is a good thing around here given we have had drought for three out of four years. The water levels of the Great Lakes are down and this area on lake Huron is a huge mixwd farm producer in Ontario in Canada. Let it snow let it snow let it snow.
I am currently Calm
I am listening to Parliament

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09/21/2002 05:38 p.m.

02/9/21 Saturday

   I am really glad the last heat  wave ( hopefully) is over and we can get into some serious , cool fall weather. My kind of weather.

I am currently Jaded
I am listening to Oscar Peterson -Jazz

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Journal Entry
08/18/2002 08:53 p.m.
I'm writing this on a clear, cool day in Calgary Alberta at my sister's home. It is real joy for me to be here out of the heat and humidity of of southern Ontario. Amen.
I am currently Fabulous
I am listening to Silence

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Journal Entry
07/31/2002 04:12 p.m.
A change has taken place, I am having mixed emotions about. That is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
I am currently Weird
I am listening to The news

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Journal Entry
05/23/2002 05:13 p.m.

I'm in kind of a dry spell right now,nothing coming from nothing so to speak. i know it will pass it always does. I'm apprehensive though . Suppose there is no more to write?
I am currently Unsure
I am listening to The wind.

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Journal Entry
04/03/2002 07:31 p.m.

I live in Canada and according to many people in this area on the eastern shore of Lake Huron. I am supposed to anticipate the arrival of spring. Iam an odd sort of a bird in that I like winter. To me winter has definition and wind it says something. Long, languid, humid days are not for me hot. I am a true creature of Canada my homeland.
I am currently Bothered
I am listening to Chick Corea Jazz

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