
The Journal of Gavin M Roy

One Month
01/21/2003 08:52 p.m.
Yesterday marked Eden's one month birthday! Not to mention our first month past being in our new house. Things are starting to come together in the house finally. I cleaned out the garage this past weekend and Michelle can now park in it. We also got our Culligan system installed yesterday. Turns out Valencia has *very* hard water, and the system is pretty much a necessity. I (barely) helped my dad set the forms for the concrete in the backyard, but this weekend I get the joyous task of digging out the areas where we're going to pour so that it's a uniform depth. Then we'll pour, do the sprinklers, and lay down some grass. I've stalled on my first "project" in the house, which is to paint and put up a crown molding in the downstairs powder room. The painting is 90% done, and it looks finished, except some touchup work I have to do on the baseboards. I also went through 3 8 foot strips of crown molding learning how to cut it. So I have to buy a few more. Not cheap! Well that's enough on the house...

On Sunday we had Eden's dedication at church. She was dressed in a precious little pink outfit sent to us by our friends Richard & Denise. She behaved wonderfully, and we had good friends there to share the experience with us. We tried to capture it on video, but the battery died shortly into the ceremony. She's grown quite a bit, and I would guess that she's already 7 pounds now. I guess we'll find out at the next doctors visit. She's keeping us awake at night, though it's getting a little better.

Michelle is tired and trying to adjust to both the new house and mommy hood! Her mom flew back to Idaho last night and she's got a busy schedule laid out this week. She's nearly lost all of her pregnancy weight and is looking *good* ;-) I mean *great* :) We're both quite tired and ready for Eden to sleep through the night, but I'm sure that will come in time.

My current obsession with ripping all of my cd's to ogg format is coming along well. I'm in the letter "M" and working my way through. I decided that I would do this before I put the cd's away in their proper spot. I'm hitting 10-20 a day and have over 13 gigs worth of stuff thus far.

I tell you, the end of December was a very stressful time for me, in fact the most stressful in my life. I can't tell you how much I appreciate my very good friends that helped me (and us) out at that time. Bryan, Mike, Jan, you three were a life saver! Thanks soo much!
I am currently Upbeat
I am listening to Dave Matthews Band - Live at Folsom Field

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It's a Girl!
12/20/2002 05:08 p.m.
Eden Marie Roy was born at 8:38 am. She's 5lbs 6oz and is 18 1/2 inches long with a full head of hair :). Mom and baby are doing well! More updates to follow!
I am currently Giddy

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