
Felicia Aguilar's Friends List

The following is a list of my friends here on pathetic.org. Click on their names check out their libraries and poetry. Click here to see who has me listed on their friends list.

  • Julie Adams
  • Aaron Blair
  • V. Blake
  • Ava Blu
  • Mo Couts
  • Glenn Currier
  • Emily Davidson
  • Trisha De Gracia
  • Shossana Dreyfus
  • New Entry  Erin Eymard
  • John Harder
  • George Hoerner
  • Peter Hsu
  • Jolie Jordan
  • Roger J Kenyon
  • Paul Marino
  • Karen Michelle
  • Charlie Morgan
  • Emily G Myers
  • Jared Orlando
  • Anar Patel
  • Ymelda Ramirez
  • A. Reed
  • Frankie Sanchez
  • Ariane Scott
  • Lauren Singer
  • Colleen Sperry
  • Uriel Tovar
  • Olivia Weinkein
  • Bet Yeldem
  • New Entry  James Zealy
  • Return to the Library of Felicia Aguilar


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