Chris Sorrenti's Favorites List
The following is a list of my favorite poems here on Click on the title to check them out.
* by Joe Cramer
010. Adams/Wabash by John Herzog
10 things I like about myself... by Laura Doom
15. (haiku) by Jason Wardell
15 Questions by Christel Crews
17 haiku by Jim Benz
2012 by Shannon McEwen
2012 - The Prelude by Alison McKenzie
2.2 miles by Charlie Morgan
40/-3.5 Acre Woods by Maude Curtis
4 Syllable Lament by Ben Evans
'62 Ford Sunliner by Kris Mara
700 billion by Mary Frances Spencer
7th grade angst by Charlie Morgan
9/11 by Jane E Pearce
A Book by Anita Mac
a brighter organism by Charlie Morgan
Absorption in Motion by Sarah Graves
a bunch of stupid outlaws by Gabriel Ricard
A Catchy Title Would Make You Want to Read This Poem by Bruce W Niedt
A Dark Matter (Astropoetica, fall 09) by Kathleen Wilson
Aegis by Aaron Blair
After Christmas Muse by Mary Ellen Smith
Against Her Apocalypse by Sarah Graves
A Gestalt of the Fallen Short by V. Blake
a gift for you by Lisa-Dawn Sparling
agitated diction by J. P. Davies
A Hot Day on the Kitchen Floor by Maureen Glaude
Alchemy by Jayme L Helmick
a letter to a never born child by Nanette Bellman
Alice Always by Kate Demeree
Aliens, Coastlines, and All the Right Things to Say by Megan Guimbellot
A LITTLE SECRET by W. Mahlon Purdin
all for this by Rebekah Marxen
all talk and no lightning by Kris Mara
alucinada by Carolyn Coville
Always Read the Instruction Manual Thoroughly by Max Bouillet
Ambivalentine by Linda Fuller
Amersfoort by Richard Vince
Anachronism by Joe Cramer
A Nest by Mary Ellen Smith
Angels in Oceanside by Maria Francesca
ANGLER FISH by Frankie Sanchez
Annual Landmark by Maureen Glaude
Another Crime by Joan Serratelli
Another day another tear by Tony Young
Another Valentine Limerick by Bruce W Niedt
An Oven by Joan Serratelli
Answer by George Hoerner
Antagony by JD Clay
Antigone by Don Matley
ANXIETY by Joan Serratelli
Apathy by Uriel Tovar
A Personal Universe by Karl Waldbauer
Archipelago by Glenn Currier
A Red Wolf by Nancy Ames
Are you a washer or a soaker? by Glenn Currier
are you going there? by George Hoerner
Are You Sure You Wish to Delete This Contact? by Alison McKenzie
Ashes by Rhodora M Fitzgerald
A Short On Life by Maureen Glaude
A Thing that Exists But Does Not Live by Aaron Blair
Autumn Hair by Charles E Minshall
autumn landscape by Kristina Woodhill
Autumn Walk by Kristina Woodhill
A Worm's Prayer by Linda Fuller
Barbie in Space by Kate Swearingen
Beard by Bruce W Niedt
BEATING THE RAP by Terry Olynik
Beautiful by Juxtaposition by Aaron Michael
Bedeviled by Charles E Minshall
Beekeeping by Richard Vince
Bird-Brained by David Maurice
Black and White Photo by Jane E Pearce
black-eyed susan by Kristina Woodhill
Bleu: hot and bothered by Quinlan L Gibson
Blue Crystal Eyes (for Paul) by Alison McKenzie
Body Language by Jon-Jacob F Deal
both of them wore white by Gabriel Ricard
Breaking by Clara Mae Gregory
Broken Earth by Max Bouillet
Building a Metaphor by Bruce W Niedt
Cacophony by Jim Benz
Caffeine Fantasy by John Nivel
Calling The Bluff by Sandy M. Humphrey
cancer experts to avoid by Gabriel Ricard
celestial assertion by Rachelle Howe
cemetery blues by Charlie Morgan
Chasing the Hour or Ode to Daylight Savings Time by Sandy M. Humphrey
Chatter by Alisa Js
Chemistry by Anne Engelen
Chimera by V. Blake
Christmas Card Wishes To Poets by Don Matley
cio by Mary Frances Spencer
cirrus by Mara Meade
Clarisse by Maureen Glaude
Clearing by Jim Moore
Clicking My Pen by John Nivel
clouds of laughter by Charlie Morgan
clowns by Nancy Ames
coffee and cigarettes by Morgan D Hafele
Colour My World by Tony Whitaker
Comfort by Richard Vince
comfort tears (let them fall) by Michele Schottelkorb
Comparisons by Philippa Jane
Complexity by Jim Moore
Contrails by George Hoerner
Control by Maureen Glaude
Cool Move by Roger J Kenyon
Crazy Love by Adrian Calhoun
creep me out from undercover by Kyle Anne Kish
Critic by Rusty C Arquette
Ctrl+Alt+Delete by Charles M Harrison
Dada-ist poem by Paganini Jones
dance around the maypole by Michele Schottelkorb
Dancer in Autumn by Delilah Coyne
Dang these Words by Jean Mollett
Dark Star by Aaron Blair
Dear Nana by Frankie Sanchez
Destiny or Choices? by Alisa Js
Devil's Playground by Kristina Woodhill
Different People by Joan Serratelli
Dilemma by Maureen Glaude
Dinner Party by Quinlan L Gibson
Disassembly Required by Max Bouillet
Disillusioned by Richard Vince
divide and rue by Laura Doom
DOGS BY THE CAMPFIRE by W. Mahlon Purdin
Don’t You Get Tired of Yourself? by Bruce W Niedt
drama and luck by Kris Mara
Drivel by Alisa Js
Drunk by Wayne Tate
Edgar Pompfrey Odis Crustice by Michael Hamlin
Effortless by Marjorie Anne Reagan
El Testigo by Nadia Gilbert Kent
Ephemeral Things by Bruce W Niedt
EPIPHANY by Linda Fuller
epitaph by Peter Hsu
Erasing Me by David R Spellman
erotiku: the shower by Jim Benz
Eternal by Kristina Woodhill
Exit by Alisa Js
Express Lane by JD Clay
fairytales are for children, not the realistic by Christel Crews
fear: an open door by Charlie Morgan
Feverland (Revised) by Aaron Blair
finding God is not that hard by Charlie Morgan
fingers don't lie by Charlie Morgan
First Moments in Forever by Christel Crews
Floral Decadence by Michele Schottelkorb
Folded and Stacked by Kristina Woodhill
Food Groups by Joe Cramer
For What It's Worth by Ken Harnisch
friends by Ulyss Rubey
From Scratch by Maureen Glaude
from the beginning by Morgan D Hafele
From the Groundhog by Mary Ellen Smith
Frozen Pond (haiku) by David R Spellman
Generation Y by Ryan Nardi
Gerard The Giraffe by Charles E Minshall
Ghost in This House ( A Rewrite) by Tony Whitaker
glittertruth by Michele Schottelkorb
Going And Going And by George Hoerner
Gone (haiku or senryu) by Linda Fuller
good by Elizabeth Jill
Grace by Bruce W Niedt
Gratitude by John Nivel
gravel in my shoe by Mara Meade
Guerilla Poets by V. Blake
Haiku from a walk by Maureen Glaude
Haiku Is... by John Harder
Haiku: "Snow showers..." by Bruce W Niedt
Haiku - rewrite by Paganini Jones
Haiku: Storm Series by Julie Adams
Haiku Syndrome by Bruce W Niedt
Haiku (white moon) by Julie Adams
Happy Anniversary by Charles E Minshall
Haunted people never sleep. by Felicia Aguilar
Have you found Jesus? by Mary Ellen Smith
here for the free sandwiches by Gabriel Ricard
her muted smile by Jim Benz
Hidden Things by A. Paige White
Horse Race by Jeffrey Parren
Hot Chocolate by Melissa Arel
House on the Point by David Hill
Hovering by Elizabeth Jill
How bad was bad? by Vikki Owens
How I Love The Rainy Nights by Maude Curtis
Hydrogen Hip Hop Dancer by Gregory R Schelske
I am a stone by Traci Mabats
I am helpless despite my realization of my helplessness by Ashok Sharda
I Am No Job, My Lord by Glenn Currier
i didn't get here alone, jack (w/ anita mac auslan) by Morgan D Hafele
I Didn't Have To Deal With That by Charles J Hannan
I Dreamt that I saw Hitler by David Hill
If I Close My Eyes by Sandy M. Humphrey
I Hurry, Worry, Scurry by Joe Cramer
II. Fall of the Caterpillar by Rula Shin
I'll play the part of someone else... by Heide McAlister-Bates
I'll See You There, Singing! by Alison McKenzie
I'm not the lifeguard. by Maria Francesca
Indigo-coloured glasses by Traci Mabats
I Never Wear White by Therese Elaine
In Peaceful Wonderment by Kate Demeree
in praise of brevity (senryu) by Jim Benz
In Prism by Max Bouillet
In the End by Manas Moksha
Intihautana Stone by JD Clay
Into the Snowglobe by Maureen Glaude
Intoxication by Jim Benz
In Whispers Soft by Ken Harnisch
I Paint Myself in Brighter Hues by V. Blake
ironic? by Ginette T Belle
I should sue for the rights ... by Shossana Dreyfus
Is it the Rose? by Mary Ellen Smith
I surrender to your burden by Mary Abeln
It's Always Halloween or Zombies Everywhere by Rula Shin
It's My Garden Party by Nancy Ames
i will if you will - haiku by Christel Crews
January by Jane E Pearce
jes' watchin' Kai by Charlie Morgan
Journey To Infinity by Don Matley
JPEG (The Cosmic Horror of Digital Photography) by Alastre Zidler
Junemarie's Song by Junemarie Roldan
Just a kiss? by Sandy M. Humphrey
Just Hold Me by Genevieve Sturrock
Just In Case You Were Wondering by Genevieve Sturrock
Kaaterskill Falls by Ken Harnisch
karma by Michele Schottelkorb
ku-loud (soft) thee by Kathleen Wilson
Kumari by Graeme Fielden
Lah-de-dah (or I Know It All) by Cathlyn Cartier
Laid Out Lonely by J. P. Davies
Lament of Common Sense by Uriel Tovar
Lament to Early Morning by Kristina Woodhill
Latin Philosophy by Maria Francesca
Leaf by Glenn Currier
Lee Jun-fan by Johnny Crimson
Legalities by Drew May
let me count your freckles like stars by Melissa Arel
LIBERTY AVENUE by Terry Olynik
Life Is Choices by Jean Mollett
light as by Kristina Woodhill
like God by Glenn Currier
Like Pages Torn from Gideon Bibles by V. Blake
Little Red Coat by Alisa Js
lost and found by Mary Frances Spencer
Lost And Found by Anne Engelen
Love by Max Bouillet
Love is for maybe by Matthew Zangen
[Lyrics] Better Me Than You by Nikki Rice
marcia! marcia! marcia! by Nanette Bellman
Marked Fragile by Christel Crews
mark your graves by Kris Mara
Mars Looks Down by Bruce W Niedt
Masks by Kristine Briese
Materialized Allergies by Johnny Crimson
Materializing Online by Alison McKenzie
Matter of circumstantial coincidence by Ashok Sharda
McDonald Ave. by John Ilotan
Midnight After Rain (w/ Anita Mac Auslan) by Morgan D Hafele
Mid-Winter Tips by Maureen Glaude
mmm? by Charlie Morgan
mmm, we'll see ... by Charlie Morgan
Mollie by Richard Vince
more than one too many times by Morgan D Hafele
Mother, Unbroken by Leah Laiben
moving forward by Nichole Fuji
Mundane Morning and the Template of Doom by Laura Doom
Musings on the Muse by Ken Harnisch
My Letter to Santa by Karl Waldbauer
My Love Affair With Poetry * by Ann Krischus
My Mother's Daughter by Wendy Sparling
my Penny colored love by Colleen Sperry
my scar by Lisa-Dawn Sparling
My Seasonal Love by J. P. Davies
My Soul to Keep * by Ann Krischus
My Visit to the Country by Glenn Currier
nature and fortune tellers by Kris Mara
Needs by Richard Vince
NEMESIS by D. James McKee
nether light by Peter Humphreys
New Ways by Ame Ai
Night and Day by George Hoerner
Night Salt by Alisa Js
nine haiku by Jim Benz
Ninety nine, one hundred by Tony Young
No More Poetry by Don Matley
Nonchalant by Maureen Glaude
Nonsense (Abecedarian) by Maureen Glaude
No Poem of the Day? by Joe Cramer
notes from an unholstered life by Elizabeth Jill
Not Everyone's Cup by Alison McKenzie
November Sky by Richard Vince
Nowhere To Run by Joan Serratelli
N. Reflections by Christel Crews
Odonata August by Christina Gleason
Of blueness, chairs and non-inverted vision by Rebecca Andre
of Feathers and Fantasy by JJ Johnson
Of Fruits and Fingernails by Lacy D Phillips
Oh Tannenbaum! (haiku) by David R Spellman
Old Expression by Maureen Glaude
omnipresent by Elizabeth Seago
on a lower richter by Mara Meade
On Concerning Loving Oneself by Dan Garcia-Black
One day there won't be by Maria Francesca
one more life by Michele Schottelkorb
On the birth of Xmas - throwing the baby out with the bathwater by Paganini Jones
O Valentine by Michele Schottelkorb
Overhead Bloom by Wayne Tate
Overloaded by Glenn Currier
Paper Dolls by Maureen Glaude
paper mate by Kara Hayostek
Paper Nails by Wayne Tate
Paranoia by Dan Linn
Paris by Bruce W Niedt
parley in the vines by Kristina Woodhill
passing notes by Gregory Oregon
Past Participle (or, Breaking Up with the English Teacher) by Bruce W Niedt
penny's hiding in the telephone booth... by Olivia Weinkein
Pick up the Pen by Maria Francesca
Picture this by Julie Adams
Please Feed the Birdies by Mary Ellen Smith
Please Remind Me by Joan Serratelli
Plum Crazy by Kristina Woodhill
Plymouth by Richard Vince
Polarity by Clara Mae Gregory
Poof! by Alisa Js
Portrait by J. P. Davies
potholes in the road by Kristina Woodhill
prayer to lips by Maria Massarella
precious by Maria Massarella
pretty became by Bet Yeldem
Primavera by David R Spellman
Private Eyes by Alisa Js
Purgatory is an Ashtray on Her Formica Table by Max Bouillet
purge by Maria Kintner
Questions by Alisa Js
Quietly, goodnight by Adrian Calhoun
Quills and Whiskers, Whiskers and Quills by Kristina Woodhill
Quiver by Alisa Js
Radar Image of Hurricane Katrina by Deborah S Regan
Rainbow tiger by Richard Trotter
reading between the lines by Christel Crews
Ready To Go by Don Matley
Red Velvet and White Lace by A. Paige White
reflecting by Kris Mara
Reflections on a Broken Relationship by Lyss Copeland
Reflections on reflections by Genevieve Sturrock
Regarding July by Christina Gleason
Remnants by Jane E Pearce
Rendezvous by Maria Massarella
revolve. by Andrew S Adams
rinse, and repeat (revised) by Kalikala Smith
rivers by Charlie Morgan
Road Trip by Bruce W Niedt
Sanctuary by Julie Adams
{sans} aplomb by Lindsay Sanders
Saturday morning by Keith D Allison
Scary Ghost by Traci Mabats
Scenes from the Alphabet by Maureen Glaude
Scotch tape heart by Scott Cadence
Seasons by Richard Vince
Seed of Grace by Mary Ellen Smith
Seek the Sun by Glenn Currier
Self-Satisfaction by Joe Cramer
Sex and Drugs by Tim D Livingston
shannots by Elizabeth Jill
Shoes by Dave Fitzgerald
simple circuitry by Janine Euladia
Simple, Like the Wind by Richard Vince
Simple thoughts of you by Shannon McEwen
Sing A Song Of Six Packs by Jennifer Ragan
Sitting at a Cafe in the City by Kenneth Lau
Sketch by Leonard M Hawkes
slippin' by Kimberly Bare
Slipstream by David R Spellman
Smoke Signals by Ken Harnisch
smokestacked by Scott Cadence
Snail by Dan Linn
So Far From Fine by Sandy M. Humphrey
Soft by Clara Mae Gregory
Soft Morning by Sandy M. Humphrey
soldier by Glenn Currier
somewhere between atkins and southbeach by Ulyss Rubey
so much in so very little by Vere Mantratriad
Sorry by Rula Shin
Soul Navigation by Max Bouillet
So We Could Do Whatever We Want by Aaron Blair
Spring Construction by Kristina Woodhill
Stages by Max Bouillet
Sticks and Stones by Clara Mae Gregory
Sticks and Stones....but names can hurt me.... by Sandy M. Humphrey
Stop The Silence by Kate Demeree
strength in secrets by Emily Davidson
Summer in the City by Rachel Johnson
sunday, april 23 * by Ann Krischus
Sunsleep by Rachel Bennett
Surface by George Hoerner
Swift by Maureen Glaude
Swine Flu by Maude Curtis
symbiotic myosis by Matthew Sharp
Table for One by Richard Vince
Tangled around a child by Sam Roberts
Tea Party by Maria Terezia Ferencz
Ten Tips for Beating Writer's Block! (A Prose Parody) by Bruce W Niedt
Thank you, Glad! x 3 by A. Paige White
The ABC's of Anger and Love by Amanda Bullington
The Age of Contemplation by Ken Harnisch
The Argument Machine Message by Barry Franklin
The Art of Day by JD Clay
The Assembly Line by Don Matley
the black sea by Laura Doom
The Brown and Blues by Jared Orlando
The Brush of Fingertips by Ken Harnisch
The Choices We Make Dig Our Graves by Christel Crews
the dandelion by Mary Ellen Smith
The Day the Sign Went Up by Jane E Pearce
The Keep by Alison McKenzie
The kiss by Keith D Allison
The Last Temptation of Aaron by Kristine Briese
the Marriage of Christmas and Yule by Michele Schottelkorb
the miles stretch on by Mary Abeln
The Most Arrogant Poem You’ll Ever Love by Jody Pratt
The Mother Poets by Lalo Kikiriki
The new washing machine by Linda Fuller
The Ocean Is A Carnivore by Frankie Sanchez
The Onion by Gary Hoffmann
The Path of Blue (reposting) by Maureen Glaude
the poison pair by Maria Francesca
The problem with poets by Steve Michaels
The "L" Word by Glenn Currier
The Rants of a Childcare Provider by Christel Crews
There is More To Him by James Zealy
There Is Nothing to Fear by Tony Whitaker
The River Epiphany by Lacy D Phillips
The Sound of Smiles by Michelle Angelini
The 'S' SENSE OF CHRISTMAS by Maureen Glaude
The Stinging by Kathleen Wilson
The Tappan Zee is a Lovely Bridge to End it All by Ken Harnisch
The Tree-Climber by Ken Harnisch
The Upside Down Day by Mary Ellen Smith
The vanishing perspective of columnar support pillars by Richard Paez
The worst things will happen by Maria Francesca
they will survive by Michele Schottelkorb
things would be different by Michele Schottelkorb
This Compulsion To Be All Of Me by J. P. Davies
This Unravalling by Paganini Jones
Thoughts of a Reformed Fixer by Sandy M. Humphrey
Thus Spake Silence by Rula Shin
Tick Tock by Jeffrey Parren
Too patient by Angela Stevens
TOPIC: all these pills by Kyle Anne Kish
*Topic~sand castles of my mind by Kimberly Bare
Topic: Sugar and Splice by Linda Fuller
To the worm in my head by Traci Mabats
transitory by Mara Meade
Tribute-ary by Leslie Ann Eisenberg
Trying To Quit by Thomas K. Hunt
Tsunami by Jane E Pearce
Tumbleweed by Glenn Currier
Uh-oh Canada by Nancy Ames
un by Lisa-Dawn Sparling
Unbroken by Amie Golda
Uncanny transcendence by Leslie Ann Eisenberg
Untitled by Ginette T Belle
Useless Dancing Monuments by Max Bouillet
Uterus by Kristine Briese
Vampirical Evidence by Christopher J Davidson
venus by Graeme Fielden
Visions by George Hoerner
Waffle by Bruce W Niedt
waiting is hard (senryu) by Sigurdur Haraldsson
Wake by Delilah Coyne
Waking Up Resurfaced by J. P. Davies
Walking On Egg Shells by Joan Serratelli
War...No War by Mike Loftis
War Widow by Bruce W Niedt
Water by Richard Vince
Wattage (A Christmas Poem) by Bruce W Niedt
wax on by Kristina Woodhill
We All Should Be More Like Atticus Finch by Bruce W Niedt
We Are All Just Front Store Window Mannequins by Jared Orlando
We Assembled a Love-Smeared Poem by Ashok Sharda
Weighty by Mo Couts
We Launch Our Laughter At Seven by Philip F De Pinto
We Only Wish To Feel the Sun by Tony Whitaker
Whatever Alliteration by Joe Cramer
What is Poetry? (Challenge) by Sandy M. Humphrey
What then? by Paganini Jones
What Twelfth is This by Kristina Woodhill
What Will We Miss by Philip F De Pinto
Wheelchair by Quentin S Clingerman
When You Say Nothing At All by Tony Whitaker
Where We Differ by J. P. Davies
Whisper Silence by Rula Shin
Whittle by Dane Campbell
Who Says Ottawa's Just a Cold Government Town? by Maureen Glaude
why by Elizabeth Jill
Why... by Maria Francesca
why I write by Vere Mantratriad
Wild Flowers by Alison McKenzie
Wind (A World Without Words) by Alison McKenzie
Wind whispers by Tony Young
Winter Haiku III by Maureen Glaude
woke up this lovely morning by Maria Francesca
'Words' is just a word, by Emma Turtle
writers block by JD Clay
Wrought Irony by JD Clay
You Can't Prescribe Happiness by Robert Cameron Hazelton
You got nude photos out of it, at least. by Becca Kinser
Your Cigarette (Revised) by Mae D Morey
Your Mouth by Nikki Benson
Youthful You by Christopher Shin
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