Philip F De Pinto's Favorites List
The following is a list of my favorite poems here on Click on the title to check them out.
111213 by Steve Michaels
@16 by John Ilotan
3. An array of maps by Bob Arcania
86 faith by Gary Hoffmann
9/28/2014 by Steve Michaels
aaron by Marina Dawn
A Ballad for Our Dear Sister by Robbi Skaera
A Big Helping by Glenn Currier
A Color Outside the Spectrum by P Cyban
A Countryside drive by Julie Adams
Aftermath of Sad by Kristina Woodhill
Again, Nancy. by Aaron Blair
A Girl Of Thirteen Summers by Jared Orlando
A Hold Worth Taking by Kristina Woodhill
a keepsake thing by Marina Dawn
A last heartbeat. by Dorian Black
Alone in the Desert by Manas Moksha
Always April by Coleman Demiurge
A map of anything by Jim Benz
am i a grownup now in a grownup relationship by Olivia Weinkein
A Morning Spent On A Bench by Lacey Smith
A Moving Quiet by Johanna May
A Nest by Mary Ellen Smith
Angel Wings (Voyages IV) by Elizabeth Shaw
Answer by George Hoerner
Anti-climax by Laura Doom
A Penny for Your Pansies by Julie Adams
A Sail Not Yet, Yet, Sailed Set! by Lori Blair
A Simple Goodbye by John Harder
A Single Woman by June Labyzon
As Wings Fold [ ...just a repost ;) ] by Clara Mae Gregory
A Thing that Exists But Does Not Live by Aaron Blair
At Last by Jody Pratt
awake. by Jessica Polanco
Awakening by George Hoerner
a wind in stillness by Manas Moksha
Backyard Universe by Anne Di Baguette
Barely by George Hoerner
Begging My Cat For Forgiveness by Amy Wustrin
Between ourselves by Laura Doom
Between Summer and Fall by George Hoerner
Birth to Age Two or To Eat Flower and Not Be Afraid by Marianne Reddan
Blur by Elizabeth Shaw
Bolsters of Love by Veronica Phoenics
Brazilian Knots by Desdemona Sinestra
Broken by Alison McKenzie
Brooks Was Here by V. Blake
Butterfly by John Herzog
BUTTERFLY ATLAS by Steven Kenworthy
careful city by Marina Dawn
Cheerios! by Eric Hinkle
Closeness by George Hoerner
Come Fast to Sleep by William Simpson
Comments Post Fall by Kristina Woodhill
Conjugate the Words of Clouds by Lulu Alder
convergence by Brynn Dizack
Dead Wood by Kristina Woodhill
Dear Celia, I Know You Hate Liars But I'm Writing You Regardless by Shannon Adele
Deathright by JJ Johnson
Device by Anne Di Baguette
diverging paths by William P Strucke
Doggerel by Steve Michaels
Dreamsense by June Labyzon
emily, emily, emily by Emily Davidson
Empathy by Monique Louw
English Summer by Angela Stevens
essential journey by Elizabeth Jill
everything to fear by Kalikala Smith
Ex by Lisbeth Black
far and near by Samiah Haque
Fast and Easy Summer by June Labyzon
Feeding Spiders by Linda Fuller
Final Harvest by Glenn Currier
Find Me by George Hoerner
Flowers on the window shade by Danielle Ernst
Fools Among Shadows by Kate Demeree
(Fragment) by Laurie Duncan
friend by Elizabeth Jill
Generations by Mike Loftis
Give Us This Day by Kristina Woodhill
grocery shopping with a boy who is not mine by Meredith C Hartwell
Hands by George Hoerner
Harvest Moon by Genevieve Sturrock
heard poetry by Kristina Woodhill
heavenly, virtuous, divine by Emily Davidson
He writes poetry with his camera. by Elizabeth Jill
holy unhaiku by Elizabeth Jill
I am singing to you, can you hear me? by Elizabeth Jill
i am too old by Mainon A Schwartz
I Forgive by Mary Abeln
I Found a Church Inside of a Church by Shannon Adele
I’m Sorry by George Hoerner
innit by Kristina Woodhill
In Peaceful Wonderment by Kate Demeree
in sight by Elizabeth Jill
Inspiration by Marc Arnts
Intersection by Linda Fuller
in this spa by Mary Frances Spencer
Inukshuk by Elizabeth Shaw
I rest my eyes in those boughs by Shirin Swift
Isabelle by George Hoerner
I surrender to your burden by Mary Abeln
It is winter. I've lost weight. by S. Elizabeth
It will never work out by Steve Michaels
I Walked Home from a Bar and Sang this Song by Elizabeth Shaw
I will not write poems about you by Felicia Aguilar
i wish i could whisper like that by Morgan D Hafele
January Afternoon by Kristina Woodhill
Jenni by Jim Benz
Kibitzing in the Kitchen by Kristina Woodhill
Know your exit by Elizabeth Jill
lanterns by Christina Butcher
last night by Kristina Woodhill
Lentils, Uncooked by Kristina Woodhill
Letters by George Hoerner
Librarian by Alison McKenzie
lingers by Kate Swearingen
Listen (Ode to Robert Munsch) by Elizabeth Shaw
Love and Gravedigging by Megan Guimbellot
Love Letter to a Reptilian Brain by Nadia Gilbert Kent
Love Lost in Never Never Land by Clara Mae Gregory
Masses by George Hoerner
McDonald Ave. by John Ilotan
missing (you) by Kristina Woodhill
My children made of tiny tin lights by Bob Arcania
My humanity by Shirin Swift
My Lover Comes In Spring by Ariane Scott
nature and fortune tellers by Kris Mara
New Fall Fashions by Kristina Woodhill
Night Sky by Vrinda Agrawal
No Breath of My Own (A Poem) by Alison McKenzie
No One Knows Where I Am by Ronald A Pavellas
Now. Ever. by Shossana Dreyfus
Numbers we have memorized - Fl370, 239, 28 and counting (268) by Kristina Woodhill
On Your Way to the Clouds by Kristina Woodhill
Or I'd Invite You to Dinner by Elizabeth Shaw
Peel by Elizabeth Shaw
Pele's Hair by Kristina Woodhill
Poet in Residence by Elizabeth Shaw
reflecting by Kris Mara
Regrets? by George Hoerner
Relics by Kristina Woodhill
Remnants by Con Gkekas
runneth over by Beth K Hannah
Saturday Morning (Revised and Reposted) by June Labyzon
Seasonal Self Portrait by Kristina Woodhill
She Never Said Goodbye by Thomas K. Hunt
ship of verbs in the kitchen sink by Kristina Woodhill
Sixteen by Kris Mara
Sonnet No. 3 (Repost) by Kate Demeree
square peg, round hole by Angela Thomas
Stones by George Hoerner
Sweet gentle little mother woman by Jim Benz
Take That by Elizabeth Shaw
Tap Out by Elizabeth Jill
Tea Rituals by Kristina Woodhill
The Catcher in the Rhyme by Amie Golda
The Forgotten Truth by Frank Lee
The Healing Circle by Alison McKenzie
Their Holiday Too by Elizabeth Shaw
The Journal by Elizabeth Shaw
The Smile by Alex Smyth
the thing you fear most by Marina Dawn
things are getting worse. by Brynn Dizack
This is Your Poetry by Elizabeth Shaw
Today by Chris Sorrenti
To my unborn nephew... by Julie Adams
Triptych by Elizabeth Shaw
Uh. by Shannon Adele
Under all Love is Deception by Lisbeth Black
Viva En Gerundio (live your life in gerunds) by June Labyzon
Wabi-Sabi by Marc Arnts
Warmer Winterland by Laura Doom
Weather on Vacation by Kristina Woodhill
What can not be had (underneath) by Scott Cadence
What poetry is about: Two poems by Glenn Currier
while baking by Kristina Woodhill
why by Elizabeth Jill
Wilderness by Elizabeth Jill
world class sucker by Gabriel Ricard
Yellow Ribbons (Voyages II) by Elizabeth Shaw
you answer god no then what? by Marina Dawn
You Are by Allison Smith
you don't know jack by Elizabeth Jill
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