
Member Spotlight for the Month of March 2003 - Audrey M Scott

What can you say about a poet who died?

That she was lyrical. And passionate. And she had a wicked sense of humor.

When Audrey May Scott of Perth, Australia, first came to Pathetic, her poetry showed a light spirit and zest for life. Her observances of nature were fresh and unique, as she described the quintessence of a favorite season:

“Tick, tick, tick,
the clock of season ushers her in,
with attractive autumn charm she
quietly makes her entrance ...”

“I immediately conjured up the arrival of a fairy princess descending a very gracious stairway when i began reading this and so enjoyed each of the highlights of autumn,” said her friend and compatriot Anne Turner-Howe.

Her work also showed a deep love for her husband and family, although she was not above poking lighthearded fun at an obviously good-natured target as is found in Beauty Sometimes Hidden:

"In good odor
do I find in the masculinity
of a man,
the worthy sweetness
of loves word
uttered to a beloved
in love fulfilled manner.
More so, in the beauty
and softness of prose.
Him, do I magnify in my mind.”

Another clue to her devotion to family is her astute observance of a granddaughter at play, in New Awareness.

As time passed, though, Audrey’s leukemia, previously held at bay, returned. While she endured the nausea and despair of treatment, she sought solace in poetry ... reading as well as writing. An indomitable spirit, Audrey often shared her faith in a simple yet eloquent way. In her poem, May They Know, she attains an eternal perspective of the cycle of life.

“This beautiful, honest poem is just what I needed to express,” said Alusia Ziemolozynski. “To know...especially. I'm going to send this to my mother, I think it will make her cry.”

Some days, Audrey’s sense of humor was irrepressible. She followed Sallie Mattison Young’s Partner in cRHYME series with delight, which inspired her to try her own hand at limerick writing. She was an apt student during a series of lessons conducted on the site’s message board in March of 2002, and penned the delightfully self-deprecating Limerick of Woe.

Another wickedly funny piece is a nostalgic work titled Getting Older that describes the mundane activity of walking the dog as only Audrey can tell it.

Audrey also loved to read the works of her dear friend, Charles Minshall. She relished his quick wit and clever puns. In fact, Audrey had encountered Charlie at another poetry site years ago, and introduced him to Pathetic.

“She was a kind tender hearted lady,” said Charlie. “Even though she was seriously ill she thought of others with kindness and never complained.”

Always a caring and supportive friend, she wrote the poem, The Pain Behind Your Eyes, to an unnamed friend: “My heart twists in your heartbreak.”

But even the pursuit of laughter and the strength of her spirit could not keep Audrey’s cancer at bay. Many of her last works reflected her strong faith and acceptance of her fate. In the poem, It Matters, she wrote: “You renew me in spirit and soul; My body is again risen in strength and determination.”

And is often the case with poets, Audrey had her melancholic side: “Garden of me in silent pain; like grieving echo of flute.” ~ Silent is this Night.

Audrey May Scott passed away December 27, 2002, from leukemia.

She will be missed by those of us whose lives she touched.

The following is a list of the highlights of Audrey M Scott's poetry:


The member spotlighted in this month's "Member Spotlight" is chosen by the pathetic.org Spotlight committee, which is made up of a small group of site patrons and administrators. Each month a member is selected for this privilege based upon contributions to pathetic.org and the quality of work.

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