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by Bet Yeldem


I wish I were free to speak
Free to say that I would give oceans of time
To be in your world
To be the epitome of joy
Because you half-smiled in my direction

I wish I were free to listen
To every whisper of your soul's yearning
To hear your heart
Without a million crashing thoughts
interfering with the resonance of your words

I wish I were free to touch
To be able to reach out with a hand to hold
For the simplicity of the human need for contact
And sweet seduction in the moment of a kiss

I wish I were free to run
To signal for you to come along with me
On some adventure
A journey that speaks volumes about the purpose of this thing called life

I wish I were free to write
To say how I resent the space of the universe
Because I am bound
And cannot be free with you
I only muse that it may be possible Someday

Jem Medley


Posted on 09/01/2002
Copyright © 2024 Bet Yeldem

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