One by Michael HamlinWhere are you in this jungle of Life?
Where is my other half?
Do you hear me?
Do we secretly meet in our dreams?
Do you feel my soul longing for the love that you could feed it?
I need for the connection to be made
For the great space to be broken
I want to hold you
I want to hear your voice
Do you want to hear mine?
It would say, "I love you"
Though we've never met
A waterfall without water would simply be a jagged dry mountain
Lonely and still
No color
No beauty
Just limbo
You are my waterfall
The life bringer
The completer
I whisper in the darkness for you
Wondering where you are
Near as my next breathe
Or as far as the sunrise
Space is nothing
Shining beacon, lead the way
Through doubt and despair
Through up and down
the bridge will be completed
The path will be made
And you will cross over
Simple steps
Until you fall lovingly into my arms
Mutual surrender
Graceful embrace
Never parting
Never leaving
Complete 09/01/2002 Posted on 09/01/2002 Copyright © 2025 Michael Hamlin