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words that choose to be unspoken

by Amos Last

words that choose to be unspoken

every now or then
i find myself engaged
in conversation
with a ghost
from other time
from otherwhere

our words are essence
cannot he heard
by one alone
we need the ear of other
that we may understand


before forever
was a time
that is now and yet to come

before here was everywhere
there was a place
where one could only be alone

before purpose was possibility
born of wonderthougnt
question answer why why not
follows how then why again why not


before was love
was love
porous sense
defined by valence
round proximity
of one of one another


one plus one
two four eight sixteen
exponential threads of life
moist joined with light
our selves defined by chance
modulated opportunity
inspired intuition
nurtured or neglected same
we come to be


either side of here is mystery


thoughts of our forebears
entwine our own
ours entwine to others
together we may find them clear


measured starts
instinctive inbetweens
lead us toward an end
again or new beginning
we become other
gone before


here we are this time
free of distance
now in touch
as one together
alone in aftertime 


Author's Note:
it starts anew

Posted on 07/19/2024
Copyright © 2024 Amos Last

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