
by Linda Fuller

A vacant shell too large
for a crab too cramped
he hunkers down to wait
a few comrades congregate
perhaps exchange scuttlebutt
in time form a line
organized large to small
then in a scene
similar to musical chairs
to the tune of Movin' On Up
these misnamed hermits
methodically exchange homes


Author's Note: Tried unsuccessfully to create a link to this very cool youtube video: Hermit Crabs LINE UP To Swap Shells! | Life Story | BBC Earth Kids

Posted on 06/07/2024
Copyright © 2024 Linda Fuller

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Johanna May on 06/28/24 at 07:32 AM

Lol charming, what if they were as big as us though? Will it give context on which shell has better coloured casings or curved canopies. We do the same with houses, like musical chairs. Thanks for these musings.

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