

by Richard Vince

Somehow, I should have known
Your name was one I could
Never guess.

Instead, I had to wait for
Providence to show me your
Face, half hidden (as so often)
By huge sunglasses, nose
Shrunken by the frames.

You were a false reason
On which I leapt to explain
My sadness in more
Palatable terms, but that
Is no excuse.

You were an obsession, but
Not in quite the way
You think (well, almost).

You are now a reminder –
A portal to ten years ago –
Of how my life was,
Seeing you only when I wished
It was earlier in the morning.
Perhaps I was desperate for
A bright spot and you
Were just unlucky.

If I am a reminder
To you, I hope it is of
How glad you are that
Your life has gone the way
It has since then;
But really I hope to be
As meaningless to you as
All the names I imagined
Could be yours.


Posted on 12/09/2023
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

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