
A Week and One Day Vacation

by Thomas K. Hunt

When we touch down; we'll have ninety-two miles to go
Then it won't be long before we get to say hello
I'm certain of my timing that would put us there by noon
We'll get reacquainted with our surroundings that will take up the afternoon

Things are slowing down now on this late summer's day
Along Riverside Dr. in Clayton, just up the river from Alexandria Bay
Beautiful smiles are uncovered, and there are no wires in the way
Enjoying life with family and friends on another glorious river day

We're home together, taking advantage of our time
We're forever together in our hearts and minds
Only time will set us free, and when it does, you'll be with me
Home in the islands and loving life the way it's meant to be
Enjoying the laughter and the music every day as your work
Our piece of heaven right here on mother earth
Longing for our future because we know what it's worth

When we head back out, we'll have one thousand seventy-three point four miles to go
We'll say our good-byes with tears in our eyes and hugs where we won't want to let go
Flying back is the most challenging flight
Soon we'll be back in our surroundings, and it never feels right
I think we should stay for one more night


Posted on 08/05/2021
Copyright © 2024 Thomas K. Hunt

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