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Stream and inflate

by Rebecca Andre

On stage on stage
Sit down turn off the lights

I have a dog. I have a husband. My life is a mess but I am still here. Still attempting to connect to this Here world of now and more. HELLO VOID NONVOID (hides) (yourenottherereally) (?)
Love expanded and hidden unfolded and crumbled. I attempt to straighten the wrinkles and inflate. INFLATE
Trite cheesy trite ooze cheese who cares no stage just me the birds the music the dog
Who cares
No stage just me just the birds just the music the dog
Hanging curtains cant be tugged from view. Blackouts. Thick velvet.
Must be dark out there. Dark in here too.
Not too new, always thought freedom was illusion
Yet I choose now to attempt the embrace
And find a different limitation

Vocabulary limits. Throw them out! My mindview can still breach yours by creating my own. Throw it all out!
My fingers bend and streeetch those grammar rules and letter lines. Dashes dots et all MY “A” doesn’t have to be yours. But you can reach for it if you want.
This is shit of course but who cares im just sitting here getting by on my back patio. CLEARING THE NOGGIN.
Cant get to be a better writer unless you write. dont know how much longer I got, might as well stream it out. No stage no stage just me, the birds, the dog, the yard. The music.

Living as surely as a groundhog

Neighborhood is emptying
Dogs are growing or left to roam wild
Grasslands being cleared
Stone houses
Land land land
Small huts
Pieces of these inuendos
I drown in them
Death death death whispered bandied screamed
Must be dark out there
Dark in here too.

Still attempting to inflate that universal love inside this void
Left to fend for myself
Left alone standing
Still attempting to inflate that love
Still attempting to help the world
From the dark

Trite cheese ooze apologies.
No stage no stage
Just me the cooling air the dog the music the yard. Birds still

Light goes off next door. Automated? Emptied? Peopled?
Changed the bulbs inside. Flicker paranoia. Flickers no more.
Fly awaaayyy paranoia. Trying to dash you out. One one at a time.

Getting collddd. Dog barking across the street. Probably doesn’t like post punk.
Sorry doggie.
The world whispers death at me. Death masks. Death lyrics. Pitying. Anger in there. All the net’s a stage.

But you’re behind the curtains and speculating ends does you no good.
Even if your head is in the sands.
Even if your life is on the line.

Keep inflating that love. Keep attempting gratitude.
Thank you sky grass water animals people love
Thank you sky grass water animals people love


Posted on 04/19/2021
Copyright © 2024 Rebecca Andre

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