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Love of course

by Rebecca Andre

What does one leave behind?
Memories that fade
Heartache that doesn’t
Clothes that get tossed
A lot of messy drawers
Yes –
Love you fools!
Even when all others you knew are gone
It will still exist in that spot of space and time
A beacon of was and is and is
Shining and omnipresent
There was LOVE [right HERE
And therefore always

The love is there even when you’ve forgotten it was tucked away.
Even when you’ve deluded yourself otherwise.
Ready to be untucked and radiate on display
For all eyes of the universe to behold.

It’s love that can hold steady in the dark
Simply unfold it from your grief, your anger, your depression
Unfold and watch the beautiful wings of the world open to you.

You don’t have to talk or know or touch to LOVE
I’ve known few people and few have known me and some would call that cause for lament
But not so.
Love doesn’t require conversation or knowing or touching.
My love is there unfolded for the universe to acknowledge
And hold tenderly.
As is yours
A brilliant glimmering Everything of LOVE
For all to stand witness and already joined.
For [right Here and therefore always


Posted on 03/21/2021
Copyright © 2024 Rebecca Andre

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