

by Peter Humphreys

bobbing along
t'wixt here and there
on inquiet waves
the flimsy craft
abandoning the weak
the old
a child

Turn the radio off,
please, it's spoiling
my breakfast
I know all about that migrant stuff

I remember the Jews back then?
we took some for sure.
we've taken too many of this lot
where are they from anyway
other peoples' wars
things are bad enough here
without them
everyone's doing their best
aren't they

Pass the butter, dear.
Toast's a bit on the dry side


Author's Note: Watching the TV News, it brought to mind a popular song in the 1930's, that used to be revived on the radio, 20 years later when I was a kid. 'Bobbing along on the crest of wave, with the sun out in the sky ...' How different reality is now!

Posted on 10/02/2020
Copyright © 2024 Peter Humphreys

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