Tired Of The Reruns (revisited) by Thomas K. HuntBlinded by the darkness
Listening to the silence
Sleep hovers in the distance as he rests his restless head on his pillow
His mind's eye works like a projector running unconnected reruns of his life
Playing on the miniature screen that is fixed as he closes his eyes
Useless worries change like channels and leave possibilities
They seem to take from each other
One leaves and the next one enters, making each one bigger than the last
Sleep sits on the edge of his bed taunting him, laughing at him, eluding him, just out of reach
Good sleep, deep sleep, rem sleep always in the distance
Each breath, making him more tired
Tired of the chase
Tired of the worries
Tired of the reruns
07/04/2020 Posted on 07/04/2020 Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt