The Kids are Gone by Thomas K. Hunt
The kids are gone along with their songs now we’re left to remember the years
The first words that only we heard caused our laughter that turned to tears
Stepping into life on chubby little legs with both of us behind them every step of the way
We watched them grow up healthy and strong
The house seems empty now that they’re gone
Thespian plays and baseball games
Cheers from the crowds that called out their names
Bowling on Wii and pool basketball
Giant football and that’s not all
Birthday parties and sweet sixteen
Pony rides are not all we’ve seen
Curtain calls and a strikeout king
The architect with his water bottle thing
Awards and trophies earned and not for free
Watching them perform was a beautiful sight to see
The catcher calling the game while protecting home
The pitcher building up X’s with every pitch he throws
The actress shows that it’s natural and comes from inside
A choreographer, a singer performer she’ll take you for a ride
Pieces of our hearts that have brought us so much pride
There’s an unconditional love there that can never be denied
The house seems empty every night and every day
The sounds of laughter have all faded away
They’re stepping into life and now we’re watching from behind
with all these beautiful memories of all our happy times
We're left with this warmth that lives inside
We're beaming with pride we just can't hide
The kids are gone but now we listen to their songs
We’ve even learned the words so we can sing along
06/20/2020 Posted on 06/20/2020 Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt