
Stay Connected

by Thomas K. Hunt

I'm not here to offend
I enjoy spreading laughter with family and friends
It may not be for everyone but don't you worry, your time will come

I'm not just posting this; I know it's true
I tell the truth, and you should too
It's common knowledge
It must be right
I just read it on your wall tonight

How's uncle Ernie?
I read he's recouping just fine
Someone's always sharing, and someone always whines
Did you really eat that?
That's TMI
Lelau Winter Brown had surgery on her eye

Some things are better off not said
You can always scroll by and read something else instead
Stop and read a joke
Send someone a poke
Play another game
Sit back and search for names
Send a friends request
Take another IQ test
Avoiding hackers along the way
Notifications every minute of the day

Maxwell and Marva took a vacation trip
Mathew's aunt fell and broke her hip
I just saw a hilarious pic
I needed that laugh; yes, that did the trick

TBT's from when we were back at start
Pics that make you smile
Pics that bring a tear
Pics that warm the heart

What's on my mind?
I'm not sure today
I'll visit some walls and see what they say
If I need it, I'll google it and find the store
If that's not enough, I'll search for more

I stay connected like everyone does
Last week I found another long lost cuz
Another grand opening just because
It can never be like it was

We're all connected to freedom of speech
Practice good and practice what you preach
Don't clutter timelines with hatred and disgust
Hey, did you hear what happened to Russ?

Please take your politics and keep it to yourself
I used to love throwing snowballs at the elf
I love a good contest that excites the soul
Walking with God should be everyone's goal

I'll meet you in the messenger, and we'll have ourselves a chat
I’m from a time when it was impossible to do that
Click on that, and you'll see an old baby pic of me
Send me one of you I’d really love to see

I'm not here to offend, as I said before
I can see you've been coming back for more
Another comment, another like and share
Another notification to let me know you're there

We'll stay connected for as long as we can
In the meantime, go and request another friend
Just in case I missed someone
Happy Birthday to everyone


Posted on 05/24/2020
Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt

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