Everything will be just right..... by Thomas K. HuntShe wrote the truth and nothing more
She says she didn't know herself before
Now that the light's finally come on
Leave the past in the past, that ship is gone
It doesn't matter what happened before
We all need to close and lock that door
We are where we are because it has to be
I feel no one closer than you are to me
Hold me close as you hold down the fort
Make me proud with every report
You're the spark that keeps my flame alive
You're my ears, and you're my eyes
A piece of me lives inside of you
along with another that loves you too
Life isn't what you had planned
When we found it, we went hand in hand
She'll light the way for all my friends
Light it for them until the end
Someday I'll be there to share the light
That's when everything will be just right
03/07/2020 Posted on 03/07/2020 Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt