Another Rhyme (edit) by Thomas K. HuntThere it goes again
My memory just took a flight out
I can't remember a single thing my friend
I can't remember what I was thinking about
I think I had a thought about a minute ago
I don't remember I just don't know
All I do with all of my time
is try to catch a thought to start another rhyme
I think I remember it was a good one
I just can't find it in my mind
It just disappeared without a trace
It's happening now all of the time
I don't know what to think
I'm at my whits end
Was I just thinking of something I have to do
or thinking of a long-lost friend?
This blows my head wide open
which makes it easy for my thoughts to get out
Hold on wait a minute mister
I can't remember what I was thinking about
Here's a perfect example of what I'm trying to say
I can't collect any, not even a stray
Just a thought to cross my mind
To hang onto and start another rhyme
My thoughts move real fast
They make it hard to get a grasp
The good ones are far and few between
I hope I catch one I'll show you what I mean
Damn, there goes another just like a lot of others
In the blink of an eye, they're gone to time
Thoughts that were never meant to be mine
Maybe now they're someone else rhyme
This never happened to me in the past
and when it happened it happened real fast
I collected my thoughts but by the end of the day
I didn't know what to say
I had a thought about a minute ago
but that thought blew away
It's in the wind with nothing to say
A thought is always on its way only to come and then go away
I just caught a thought about a thought I had
I opened up that thought and thought it wasn't half bad
With every thought, I try to remember
I'll be catching thoughts until the end of December
This has nothing to do with me stepping outside
hitting the pipe sitting poolside
Trying to catch a thought to rest in my mind
so I can lay down another rhyme
01/12/2020 Author's Note: Lyric
Posted on 01/12/2020 Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt