Untitled by Johanna MayHow do you measure where the sky starts?
It's anywhere from the soles of your feet; up
You are in it
You are chewing it between your lips
It is invading the spaces between your blood
Everywhere you go is your universe
You can reach up and pluck a star and claim the ripe ones that fall
If that is your wish
There are infinite universes
There is no absolute one
So be careful where you trod:
-Do not muddy the clouds of another that you step upon
-If you have light to spare
another's dark, ask first,
not all creatures thrive in light
-Feel free to claim your vastness,
and know when you move
there is no space between you
and everything else 12/02/2018 Author's Note: herding poems home
Posted on 12/02/2018 Copyright © 2025 Johanna May