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Flight Awareness

by Maria Massarella

At every turn
(or so it seems)
I encounter
of people flying
or taking flight
(word as you prefer)
on aeroplanes
(or should that read 'jets')
both in real life
and on the net
(the virtual book
unites states and


I practice flight awareness
tracking planes

nurture intentions
as in mastering the path to dream
a dream

I have a front seat with
a view
the radiant glance and
a heart's mindset
that needs no compass
to direct the journey

Like when a mother's love
suffices to wing distances
from here to there ...


Dream in progress



Author's Note: simple notes written on the balcony of my bedroom at my parent's home south of Rome, under starfilled september skies. My son and his family were on their way to Las Vegas from Milan, Italy. On their way to dream a dream, to celebrate their wedding. One could say they were getting married on their honeymoon. I was tracking the various flights via internet until they landed. Wrote this at 1am italian time while they were inside the wedding ceremony at 4pm Las Vegas time. Their dream in progress. There. And in my heart. Love transcends distance ...

Posted on 11/20/2018
Copyright © 2024 Maria Massarella

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