Blossom by Richard VinceWhen the trees change from coma
To colour, it is as though they are
Dressing for a celebration.
The days are suddenly long with life;
A spark that even the heaviest
Spring showers cannot extinguish.
She makes the world a brighter place
Just by being in it; by lending it
The warmth of her heart and
The wonder in her wide eyes.
Her arrival banishes winter
As it does every year.
The best way to enjoy the world
Is to see it through her eyes;
To feel her fingers tighten around
Yours as the joy of reawakening nature
Fills her heart to bursting.
She was born of spring, and is
Reborn every spring, her heart
Opening like a flower to drink
Rain and sunshine, the essential
Yin and yang of the season.
The world opens to her too,
Welcoming her with the best
Of its beauty, just like
It did for the first time
All those years ago.
04/26/2018 Posted on 04/27/2018 Copyright © 2025 Richard Vince