Abyss by Anne Di Baguette
sweet black night
surround me with your
cold dark curtain, covering
over every trace of who I am,
have been, will ever be
shadow over shadow let no
light enter this enveloping
blanket, no thought no hope
to despoil this newfound
comfort, this desolation this
sanctuary of darkness,
for now evil loses its shape
and good becomes formless,
deformity dissipates as every
last contour is smoothed into
smooth, shaded again until
each particle becomes as
it’s brother, no end to my
beginning, no triumph or
conflict in this void of blackness,
color has no meaning here
memories meld and deepen
blending today with forever
layer over layer,
terror and bliss become
playmates cloaked under cover
of your encircling wraps
my love, my night,
leaning tenderly into your
apathetic embrace I become
numb, sinking deliciously into insidious obscurity 11/15/2002 Posted on 12/01/2017 Copyright © 2025 Anne Di Baguette