I've Come Home To Stay by Thomas K. HuntThere will be a day that I step back onto hallowed ground
Back on the ground of my beloved hometown
That's the step that's been way overdue
You asked me to explain it to you
in a manner in which I normally do
I'll remember this day to the day
The day I wrote to you about me coming home to stay
There will come a day just no time soon
It may be someday in the month of june
Still, I'm down the road so far away
There'll come a time, and it will be that day
That day I come home to stay
My thought from the top of the hill
is that from now on I'll have my fill
I'll see the river under deep blue skies
I'll be smiling with my tear-filled eyes
McCarn has always had that charm
I've always seen it that way
It's the last hill that will bring me down to the river
on the day I plan to stay
The first thing I'm going to do
Look up; I'll be smiling at you
I'm forever thinking of that day
That day I can finally say
I've come home to stay
Your photography is incredible
It shows me where I long to be
It reminds me of the only place
where there are pieces of me
So little face to face smiles
There have always been too many miles
In all this time, you've made my heart smile
I tell you because it's true
Through all these years, I've truly missed you
On that day we'll be hand in hand
Everyone will know we're the best of friends
Sharing our lives on the river where we grew
Me, home to stay and sharing it with you
We'll share a cabin on the riverside
Sit on the porch side by side
With nothing but a smile upon your face
We've always known this was the place
I've always known the day would come
After all, I'm a St. Lawrence son
You just happen to be a daughter to
I want to share the end of time with you
I'll even pull out my old saxophone
and play you an air-filled tune
I'll do it right then on that day in june
when we're cruising on the river under the moon
Every day that I've been away
My heart's been in the middle of French Creek Bay
My mind's been someplace else; it's hard to say
That will all end on that day I come home to stay
10/22/2017 Posted on 10/22/2017 Copyright © 2025 Thomas K. Hunt