Half Life by Richard VinceHow subtly a face can change
From welcoming to hostile,
From appreciative to long suffering,
From accepting to barely tolerant.
How quickly something sweet
Can turn sour.
It is easy to feel responsible,
And yet know that one is not;
It is easy to forget how fine
Is the line dividing what we want
To see from what we
Daren’t acknowledge.
Even the deepest well of patience
Can eventually run dry.
Perhaps my most fatal flaw
Has been insisting on coping
With more than I can
Cope with, believing my own hype
About how resilient I am.
Sometimes, one must acknowledge
Weakness to find strength.
Growing apart can be easier than
Growing together; sometimes it is
Hard to tell which is which.
What we once considered blessings
Can turn out to be
Blessings in disguise after all.
Sometimes, all it takes to move on
Is to stand still.
09/30/2017 Posted on 10/21/2017 Copyright © 2025 Richard Vince